Primary Trials for Producing Tea Polyphenols by Resin Static Adsorption Method 树脂静态吸附法生产茶多酚初步试验
Primary Study on Nutrient Adsorption on Soil 土壤对养分离子吸附特性初步研究
Preparation of a Novel Material by Intercalating Sulfated β-Cyclodextrins into Layered Double Hydroxide and Primary Stdies on Its Selective Adsorption to Chiral Compound 磺化环糊精插层结构水滑石的制备及其对手性物质选择性吸附的初步研究
The simulations on the tube and the primary experiments on the adsorber combined by the unit tube s indicate that the heat and mass transfer performance of the adsorption unit tube is very good. 通过数值计算和由吸附单元管组合而成的吸附床的性能初步试验,证明该结构形式的吸附单元管具有优良的传热传质性能。
Primary analysis on state of xylene adsorption unit 二甲苯吸附分离装置运行状态初步分析
Study on primary enhanced treatment of municipal wastewater& high-loading adsorption biodegradation regeneration process 城市污水一级强化处理工艺&高负荷生物吸附再生法的应用研究
From morphology and adsorption kinetics, it has been primary discussed that absorbability to PCBs of algae is relative to surface area and properties of PCBs. One side, algae adsorb PCBs through physical adsorption on its surface. 从细胞形态学和吸附动力学方面初步探讨得出,微藻对PCBs的吸附能力与藻体表面积有关,同时与PCBs的性质也有密切关系。
Primary Research on Adsorption of Heavy Metals by Litter Leaf Detritus of Chinese Parasol Tree 梧桐树落叶碎屑对水中重金属吸附的初步研究
The study of ammonia nitrogen removal from the effluent of primary sedimentation tank by zeolite adsorption 沸石吸附去除城市污水厂初沉池出水中氨氮的研究
Result of treatment primary explosive wastewater adopting internal electrolysis catalysis oxidationactive carbon adsorption technique was introduced in this paper. 文章采用内电解-催化氧化-活性炭吸附工艺对起爆药废水的处理效果进行了研究。
Method: Using adsorption capacity and desorption rate of total steroidal saponins as the primary screening index, four resins were surveyed, and the optimized conditions of adsorption and desorption of total steroidal saponins were studied. 方法:以总皂苷吸附量和解吸率为指标,对4种树脂进行了筛选,并研究吸附与解吸优化条件。
The Primary Study on the Adsorption of Phenolic Compounds on Sediment of the Yellow River 几种酚类化合物在黄河水体沉积物上的吸附行为的初步研究
A primary study on phosphate adsorption of soils 土壤对磷酸离子(H2PO4~-)吸附的初步研究
A primary study on kinetics of arsenate adsorption by soils 土壤吸附砷酸盐动力学的初步研究
Comparison between Methods of Synthetic Ammonia Separation and Primary Study on the Adsorption Separation 合成氨分离方法的比较及其吸附分离的初步研究
Four enhanced primary wastewater treatment processes including hydrolysis, pre aeration, biological adsorption and chemical flocculation are evaluated, and on this basis the suitable sphere of each process has been apart discussed. 对水解、预曝气、生物絮凝吸附和化学絮凝4种强化一级处理的方法进行了评析,并在此基础上对各自的适用范围进行了讨论。
Research on intensified primary treatment process of municipal wastewater by bioflocculation and adsorption 生物作用强化城市污水一级处理工艺研究
In addition primary medium supplemented with 0.1% AC was efficient for adsorption to phenolic substances, prevention of explants browning and acceleration of rooting. 另外,在培养基中附加0.1%AC,对吸附酚类物质、防止外植体褐变、促进生札均有显著秃粟。
In view of thermodynamics stability, the O2/ Ov species in clean doped surface will be one primary active sites for mercury adsorption on Mn-Ce composites. 从热力学上考虑,洁净表面形成的02/Ov结构将是Mn-Ce复合氧化物吸附Hg0的主要活性位。
The two primary processes of mobilization are soil phosphorus adsorption-desorption and soil erosion, which belong to solubilisation and detachment mobilization respectively. 起动过程中存在两个主要过程,即土壤磷素吸附/解吸行为和土壤侵蚀。